ID:167 Recovery after mega-disasters: People, community and planning
- Date
- 2015-03-16(Mon)
- Time
- 13:30-19:30(Door Open 13:00)
- Venue
- Tohoku University Kawauchi-kita Campus C201
Report has released
- Language
- English
E-mail:idr.lab.3* (Please replace * to @)
Tohoku University International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS)
Number of participants | 120 |
Cases from both developed and developing countries (Japan, US, Germany, Indonesia, Philippines, and India) have clarified that key factors in recovery processes – i.e. planning system, community dynamics and involvement of people – evolve with a large influence of local contexts, including social, financial, and historical backgrounds. Identifying the way to link “planning”, “people” and “communities” more cohesively in each locations, therefore, is an urging issue in planning research.
This symposium focuses on 'people', 'communities' and 'planning' which play crucial roles in rebuilding processes, and shares hands-on knowledge and experiences from academics and practitioners from various countries that have experienced mega-disasters. Countries include but are not limited to Japan, US, Germany, Indonesia and the Philippines.Detail
Kanako Iuchi, Tohoku University
Planning Policies and Processes
MC: Nadine Maegdefrau, TU Dortmund University
Post-earthquake resettlement policies, processes and outcomes
●Kanako Iuchi, Tohoku University
Spatial plan for recovery and its planning process after the Great East Japan Earthquake
●Michio Ubaura, Tohoku University
Deliberating Disaster Recovery: Faster, Stronger, Greener, and Fairer
●Karl Kim, University of Hawaii
Organizing for Recovery: Plans, Policies, and Implementation
●Robert Olshansky, University of Illinois
Post-Elbe flooding land use risk control in Germany
●Stefan Greiving, TU Dortmund University
15:15‐15:35 Break
Rebuilding a Region with Local Resources
MC: Elizabeth Maly, IRIDeS, Tohoku University
Recovery in depopulation: Rebuilding process of the Post-Chuetsu earthquake of 2004
●Masahiro Sawada, Nagaoka Institute of Design
Ibasho Café: Engaging Elders for Resilience and Inclusion
●Emi Kiyota, Ibasho
Planning for the sustainable livelihood recovery post-Merapi eruption
●Ramawati Husein, Univ. of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Empowering the poor and marginalized in recovery
●Margaret Arnold, The World Bank
Experiences with relocation in Germany
●Nadine Mägdefrau, TU Dortmund University
17:15‐17:35 Break
People-centered Relocation and Housing Recovery
MC: Kanako Iuchi, IRIDeS, Tohoku University
Cultural dimensions in post-disaster reconstruction
●Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, World Habitat Research Centre
Damage and Recovery of the resettlement sites after the Syowa Sanriku Tsunami
●Norio Maki, Kyoto University
Variety of Housing Relocation after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Its characteristics and challenges
●Tamiyo Kondo, Kobe University
People-centered post-disaster housing in Yogyakarta
●Elizabeth Maly, Tohoku University
A Local Solution to a Global Problem: The Urban Post-Disaster Housing Prototype in NYC
●Cynthia Barton, City of New York
Closing Remarks